“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the earth declares the work of God’s hands.” Psalm 19:1
Greetings, Fremont Family:
This week’s email will be brief. I am so excited for Holy Week! I know that sounds kind of weird. Holy Week is devastating in that it recalls in painful detail the circumstances of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the almost immediate mounting resistance to Jesus, his betrayal by his closest friends, his arrest under cover of night, the false charges lodged against him and his violent death. Why would anyone look forward to that? Yet, Holy Week resonates for me. In a week that has seen two mass shootings, how can we not hear the echo of Jesus in the garden at his arrest, “those who live by the sword (gun), die by the sword (gun).” In walking through Holy Week, we can learn so much about ourselves and our own bent toward violence.
As we prepare for Holy Week, please mark this important change! Good Friday, April 2nd will be now a joint worship service at 6pm with Vancouver Ave. Baptist Church. We have been privileged to be invited by Pastor J.W. Matt Hennessee and nearby Vancouver Ave. Baptist Church to join them in a service of worship. We will need readers for the joint Tenebrae Service, and the event will be Livestreamed from their sanctuary on Facebook. If you are willing to participate in this service, please email me at pastorerin@fremontumc.org.
As we go with Jesus, may we take our place with him, along the road waving leafy branches, at the table as we share an intimate meal, in the garden as we try to keep watch in his hour of need, around the fire as we grapple with our denial, and most importantly, at the foot of the cross as Jesus takes upon himself the burden of our sin and responds with extravagant forgiveness.
I am so excited for Holy Week.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Erin